Stainless Steel

ANDERSON Tipping Tanker to Anglogold Services Mali S.A

Contract to supply an ANDERSON Tipping Tanker to Anglogold Services Mali S.A.

In early June 2000, Anderson Engineering, was awarded a contract to supply an ANDERSON Tipping Tanker to Anglogold Services Mali S.A. (YATELA Project). The project took 6 months to complete and increased the company's turnover by over R1 million.

The Tipping Tanker comprised a lefthand drive version cab (as it was exported to Mali) and chassis imported from Daimler Chrysler AG , Germany, and a sub- frame, tanker, compressor and hydraulic equipment which were locally supplied and fabricated in their factory and then fitted to the chassis.

The Tipping Tanker concept was specially developed for the transportation of granular carbon as used in the Gold Mining Industry for the extraction of gold fines from wash water. The ANDERSON Tipping Tanker was designed to transport and move the granulated carbon to a central plant, where the gold is extracted from the carbon. The loading and unloading of the product is carried out through a specially designed inlet/outlet system by fluidising the product with water.

The contract required that Anderson Engineering design a rigid mount version of the Tipping Tanker, as this is the model that is most likely to be used at mines where, due to the terrain, vehicular access is difficult. The rigid mount version is much less likely to get bogged down in mud than a horse and trailer-type vehicle

Our Contact Details

Managing Member: Hans Coertse
General Works Manager: Colin Scott
Consultant: Stuart Anderson

Physical Address:
5 Willowton Rd, Pietermaritzburg, 3201

Postal Address:
P O Box 564, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

Telephone: +27 33 387 1544 Fax: +27 33 387 3923


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